What a fun trip! I was pretty bummed because we had planned to do our final camping trip of the year up at Yellowstone, but it was too dang cold! There was snow all over the mountains so we nixed it but Saturday rolled around and we decided to head up just for the day. It was free parks day and since we had nothing else planned we went for it. It was chilly, but not bad, Sam was SO good and the kids had a blast. The animals were so active that we were able to see several bison and elk up close including a 12 point bull and 2 grizzlies! They were beautiful and actually got a little close for comfort, you can see in the movie that the grizzly encountered a buffalo which was kind of cool. We had never seen a bear in all our Yellowstone trips, so that was pretty neat. There's just something magical about that place and every time we leave we say we are going to go more often, it truly is a wonder of the world. We are so glad to live so close to it! It's definitely a tradition I hope continues on for many years with our family.
I needed this little reminder. My sweet softhearted Claire wrote me this note after I got upset about something stupid. She is so easy to forgive and to ask forgiveness. I hope I can be as Christlike as her someday. My Savior is there for me and tomorrow will always be better.