My whole family was in Utah so we headed down there for 10 days. It was MOSTLY fun, despite the two bouts of stomach flu our family caught. We did lots of shopping and eating out of course, took a day for golfing. Benjamin gave us a tour of the facility he works at, at Golf Tek. We were able to get hooked up to the cameras and actually work on our swings a bit. We got pedicures, got our faces painted by aunt Amy, went to the drive-in and got to hear Kimberly give a concert of some of her songs. We also got to tour an awesome WWII private collection. And we finished up our trip at Flaming gorge, we didn't do much there because that's when the flu bug hit bad, so we ended up getting a hotel in Rock springs and stayed until Sunday for baby Desch's blessing. I also threw in a few photo sessions while I was there. Lots o fun. And now my family has all departed to various parts of the country and we will anxiously await the next time we can all be together. We did get in a nice family picture before we all departed. I was impressed with how good we look considering about 3/4 had been sick the day before! Aren't those mountains perdy?! Too bad Hilary's fence was taken out that evening by a crazy driver who ran into her house! (and tore up the sod the guys had laid a few days before)
Brother Ben and fam getting ready to leave flaming gorge, they were so sick, but it was kind of funny cause they were in their car listening to "so you had a bad day".
"enjoying" lunch at flaming gorge, just minutes before Claire would start puking for 7 hrs straight. You can tell Kimberly is feeling really good too.
Papa Ray holding baby D after the blessing-he was one of the only non-sick ones.
twinners! I had the girls together at the mall and I kept getting asked if they were twins.
I threw in a picture of strawberries we picked from our garden before we left. YUM! They are So much better than store bought. We got home and our garden looks like a jungle. My beets and green beans are nearly ready to be picked and we also have a few little zucchinis that will be ready soon.
Also I thought I would mention the kids finished up swimming lessons before we left. They both did great and I didn't get a single picture darn it.