At the beginning of February the kids and I took a trip to Salt Lake and stayed with my grandparents. My sister Hilary and her kids came and stayed too and we had fun and shopped. Since neither of us live there we always have a list of stuff we want to do while we're there. We went to the Hatch Family Chocolate shop. If you don't know, it's a cute little shop owned by a dwarf couple (I hope I've said that correctly) who have a new show on TLC called Little Chocolatiers. The pot de creme was awesome. A fun little trip that the kids enjoyed too. We also went to Whole foods, it's an organic grocery store. I've been on an organic/natural/whole foods thing for a while now and wanted to see what they had there. They had some interesting stuff. I just wish I had one of these where I live! I took Claire to build a bear to pick out some more accessories for her kitty with her birthday money. Of course our trip wouldn't be complete without a stop at Ikea, Target and Cafe Rio. There were about a dozen other things we did while we were there and of course the kids had fun playing together.
So for Chris' birthday I surprised him with tickets to the Lakers v. Jazz game, it happened to fall right on his birthday and he is a pretty big Lakers fan. So we went back down to Salt Lake for the night and it was really fun to spend the whole evening together-alone. Chris' mom was nice enough to take the kids over night. And, the Lakers won. Unfortunately Kobe Bryant was injured so we didn't get to see him play. It was fun to remember back to the last time we went to an NBA game together --our honeymoon.
I wish I had some good pictures to post but I don't. The kids are great. Jake is loving nursery! He is also a lover of bug squishing and bed coloring! He actually has quite a long attention span for a 20 month old. He plays that little fishing game and is patient enough to wait until his pole falls into the fishes mouth and pulls it out. He's talking a lot and even starting to put together phrases. The other day he said "oh no Claire, don't do it!" he is so mischievous and so dang adorable.
Claire has taken her drawing/coloring to a whole new level. She has developed such an imagination that it shows in her drawings. I'm sure I'm not biased, but I think she is drawing so well for a barely 4 year old. Todays drawing included a school bus, complete with people inside, a road for them to drive on, a stop light, a bed and jewelry box and she actually spelled a word on it, by herself! This is not a word that we've worked on and she spelled it right! (okay, so it had an extra L, but that's not bad!) She is also singing a lot more now that she's in primary (and I'm the primary chorister) and it's impressive to me how much she retains.
Also I wanted to note the BEAUTIFUL roses Chris got me for Valentine's day. Good job honey!
Well I've been up to momming it. It's been difficult! It seems like the kids have had runny noses and coughs the whole winter. The winter time is hard alone with two active children. So when I'm not trying to think of ways to entertain the little ones I've been working out, reading, going to the library, writing, my photog biz, cleaning, baking, and momming. Trying to find contentment in this interesting time in my life! Oh and we've been watching the Olympics too- great stuff!
Awww there, I'm caught up.