Have you ever felt stuck in a rut? Like no matter what you do you are still in the same place dealing with the same things?
I'm not used to the stability. I'm right brained, very random, going in a million different directions at once. I've always been this way and now that I have a family they need me everyday, all day. They need consistency. I know this is important and I want to give them this, but it's hard to keep my head from wandering.
So things like this I really want to work on, just being better at life. Being happy NO MATTER WHAT! Enjoying my kids everyday, in every moment. Doing all of this not only to help my family, but to progress personally. I'm the personal progress leader in my Ward. I have come to realize that personal progress is for EVERYONE. My dad told me once the hardest thing in life is enduring to the end. I agree and have to add that it's not only treading water, but swimming forward.
I have so many goals. So many things I want to work toward. I don't know if it's just the need in me to want to please everyone, but I want to be perfect.
So one thing I want to work on is just being more honest with who I am. Allowing others to see faults and not caring what they think. Because this is the only way I will really see what I need to work on. Hilary and I have talked about how people use their blogs to show just how perfect they are. They should be called Brags and I have to admit I'm quite guilty.
So there's some transparency for you.
I have to say that no progress happens unless you are disciplined - something pretty hard for me. So I've been saying a LOT of prayers lately. The Lord has given me some tender mercies.
So I challenge anyone who's reading to be a bit more transparent. Take a risk and GROW.