Claire tried out for the school talent show and made it in! She did great, and I was so proud of her for not letting nerves get the best of her. I could see her confidence grow. She sang a song from the movie Mulan.
They both received awards at the end of year assembly. Claire got on honor roll and Jacob received the Rising Star award for his class. Oh my this made my mama heart burst. I couldn't help but tear up. I was so proud of him. He really struggled at the beginning of the school year and it was a long process and a lot of hard work to get him to this point. The Rising Star award was for the most improved. I couldn't have asked for anything better. I just want them to try their best and he really worked hard the last two months of school to reach his goals.
Jacob worked really hard on his end of year project. They were studying China so we built the great wall out of a cardboard box. He did a great job working on it and was really motivated and loved the project. We are so glad that he has had a teacher that loves teaching so much and allows them to be creative.
On top of finishing a great school year, they were both accepted into the Gifted and Talented program for their respective grades! It will be more work but I know they can do it!
We gave them an incentive throughout the year to reach their goals which they both did, so on the last day we took them to Chucky Cheese and Toys R US where they each got to pick something out. I think its good to give them something to look forward to when they do a good job. I guess I'm not above bribery :)